Thursday, May 27, 2010

what else would i be thinking about?

Body hair is weird. We all have it, but we all pretend we don't by shaving and plucking and zapping and using smelly, smelly nair. We hide our tweezers and bleach so no one knows our hairy secret.

And we, as women (and possibly men?) judge and stigmatize other women who don't take the (un)necessary measures to remove their body hair. I do it too; I have a thing about ungroomed eyebrows. Maybe because, as women, we think "Hey, I took the 20 minutes today to shave my legs and underarms, why does she think she doesn't have to do that?" Or do we like it and think "This is one more thing that makes me better than her". It's kind of seen as a personal flaw if we're hairy. Is that fair? Some of us are hairier than others (like me)...but some of us are prettier than others; is that fair? My clothing choices revolve around whether I have time to shave my legs every day. I know people who can go a week without shaving, and not look like a furry beast.

Is this just one more thing society judges without justification, like race or other superficial aspects? Is it a hygiene thing? Is it a female thing? Do men care as much about body hair as women think they do?

Sorry for my odd post; I do a lot of body hair maintenance so I think about it a lot.

1 comment:

  1. Some men care more than others but mostly, I think, because society says they ought to.

    Rather candidly:
    As long as things aren't totally out of control I don't see why a hairy woman can't be a beautiful woman.
