Friday, June 4, 2010

I know a lot of people see divorce as a bad thing, and I understand it, but I am a firm believer that children cannot be happy and healthy unless parents are also happy and healthy. I read this article on and I think it's a lovely example of the results of an ideal divorce. When you marry and have children, you are permanently linked together as a family. Like the author, I hate when people refer to divorced families as "broken homes". I would much rather my parents be happy with different partners than miserable with each other.

All that being said, I would do everything I could to save my marriage before divorcing; marriage is a big freaking deal and it shouldn't be treated as disposable and temporary.


  1. A line that bothered me in the article is "But as I settled into a fulfilling relationship with Lou (whom I recently married) and I saw how good Jeannie was to Tyler, I slowly softened to her".... she's saying she couldn't have a healthy relationship with her ex who had moved on until she herself also moved on. She needed to be in a relationship before being ok with her divorce and situation. Essentially, she didn't become "happy and healthy" until she was in another relationship, which i don't think is a good, or true, message about divorced families. i think parents should be able to be happy and healthy without partners and set that example for their kids so kids don't grow up thinking they need someone to complete them.

    unintentional Jerry McGuire quotes aside, i totally agree with the negative sentiment toward the usage of "broken home"... if there's love, its not broken!

  2. I didn't pick that up before, Katie. I think it could be read two ways:

    -she was unable to feel happy and healthy until she was in a relationship
    -her healthy and happy feelings coincided with settling into her new relationship.

    If it's the former, I agree with you. You can't be a good partner unless you are happy with yourself, so everyone loses. If it's the latter, I think it was a poorly worded sentence.

    I have never seen all of Jerry McGuire.
